SSL Problem Finder allows you to decode the traces for SSL or AT-TLS traffic. Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is widely implemented to protect TCP application traffic. SSL Problem Finder will help you diagnose problems with connection setup and negotiation. You can view problems with certificates, encryption algorithms and much more.
You can use SSL Problem Finder to:
Diagnose SSL handshake problems
Assess SSL performance implications
View certificates used
View certificate authorities used
View expired or bad certificates
View encryption algorithm used
Our products can speed up diagnostics tremendously. When you have problems requiring protocol- and packet analysis, our products can save you time. Our Problem Finder products import a Wireshark trace into our rule-based expert system to produce recommendations and reports based on years of networking expertise.
SSL Problem Finder v11.10.2
End of Life (EoL) support date for this version: 12/31/2025